Andrew Bass
Horace White Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior Department Chair
Research on Sensory Biology and Neuroscience in NBB focuses on understanding how animals experience the world through specialized sensory systems. Many species can see colors beyond our visual spectrum or hear sounds that are too high-pitched for our ears. Some species even possess entire sensory systems that humans lack. To understand how animals and humans respond to their environment, it is essential to investigate their sensory capabilities. Research labs that study sensory systems in NBB employ diverse approaches, including cognitive assays, electrophysiology, multiphoton microscopy, genomics, and computational modeling to define the features of the sensory stimuli that animals perceive and investigate the neural circuits that process them.
Horace White Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior Department Chair
Associate Professor Director of Undergraduate Studies
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Freeman Hrabowski Scholar
Associate Professor and Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor and Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences