Andrew Bass
Horace White Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior Department Chair
Research on Genetics and Genomics in NBB focuses on understanding the genetic architecture that influences and shapes animal behaviors, including social interactions, foraging, and mating behaviors. Faculty unravel these intricate connections between an organism's genetic makeup and its behavioral traits by employing a wide range of techniques, such as linkage analysis, cutting-edge sequencing methods, phylogenetic comparisons, and genetic manipulations. Through these comprehensive approaches, our faculty aims to gain a deeper understanding of how genes contribute to the diversity of behaviors observed in the animal kingdom, ultimately advancing our knowledge of genetics, behavior, and their interplay in natural environments.
Horace White Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior Department Chair
Associate Professor Director of Undergraduate Studies
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor and Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor and Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences