NBB Journal Club

This is Journal Club in which a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or faculty member presents a recent scientific paper they select, which is discussed by the attendees.  It meets once a week on Fridays, 10:10-11:00 am, Whittaker Room, A409 Corson Hall. 

Contact Jesse Goldberg for more information. 

Spring 2025:

DatePresenterPaper title and link
January 31, 2025Jesse GoldbergBarcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird
February 7, 2025Lorenz MammenThe dynamics of pattern matching in camouflaging cuttlefish
February 14, 2025Kushaan GuptaA virtual rodent predicts the structure of neural activity across behaviours
February 21, 2025Zhilei Zhao

Mental programming of spatial sequences in working memory in the macaque frontal cortex

February 28, 2025Naman AgrawalContext-dependent decision-making in the primate hippocampal-prefrontal circuit
March 7, 2025Cole RolandSocial stimuli impact behavioral responses to caffeine in zebrafish
March 14, 2025Ratnadeep PalAn approximate line attractor in the hypothalamus encodes an aggressive state
March 21, 2025Mira VanchiswarNeural basis of collective social behavior during environmental challenge
March 28, 2025Wenbo TangDynamical constraints on neural population activity
April 4, 2025Spring Break 
April 11, 2025Erin KempkesSeparating cognitive and motor processes in the behaving mouse
April 18, 2025Chelsea StrawderDopamine-mediated formation of a memory module in the nucleus accumbens for goal-directed navigation
April 25, 2025George TsimisThe dynamic state of prefrontal-hypothalamic-midbrain circuit commands behavioral transitions
May 2, 2025Ivan KondratyevTBD

