Grad Student Awards

The CALS Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

The Department annually nominates one of its graduate students to receive an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in recognition of superior teaching performance.

Date Award Winner
2023 Alicia Brunner for BioNB 2220 Neurobiology and Behavior II: Introduction to Neuroscience
2022 Raunak Sen for BioNB 1220 Freshman Writing Seminar
2021 Andrea Roeser for BioNB 2220 Neurobiology and Behavior II: Introduction to Neuroscience, BioNB 4910 Principles of Neurophysiology, and BioNB 1220 Freshman Writing Seminar
2020 Rose Tatarsky for BioNB 2220 Neurobiology and Behavior II: Introduction to Neuroscience
2019 Ryan J. Post for BioNB 2220 Neurobiology and Behavior II: Introduction to Neuroscience, BioNB 3920 Drugs and the Brain, and BioG 1440 Introductory Biology: Comparative Physiology
2018 Ajinkya Dahake for BIONB 2210 Introduction to Behavior
2017 Joel Tripp for BIONB 2220 Introduction to Neuroscience 
2016 Maria Modanu for BIONB 2210 Introduction to Behavior 
2015  Julie Miller for BIONB 2210 Introduction to Behavior 

Kevin J. Loope for “BIONB 2210: Introduction to Behavior 

2013 Shane T. Peace
2012 Matt Lewis
2011 Sara A. Kaiser
2010  Margaret K. Wray

Jessica Barker

2008 Samuel Dillon
2007 C. Dustin Rubinstein
2006 Jonathan King and Christopher Wilson
2005 Sandra Holley

Luke Remage-Healey

2003 Dennis M. Bissonnette and Samuel M. Flaxman
2002 Kevin J. McGraw
2001 Bruce Carlson
2000 Rulon Clark

The Deanne Gebell Gitner ’66 and Family Annual Prize for Teaching Assistants

The Deanne Gebell Gitner ‘66 and Family Annual Prize for Teaching Assistants honors teaching assistants who have demonstrated their devotion to undergraduate teaching.


Date Award Winner
2019 David Peck

Stephen and Marjery Russell Distinguished Teaching Award

The Stephen and Margery Russell Distinguished Teaching Award is awarded specifically to teaching assistants who have demonstrated their devotion to undergraduate teaching. 



Award Winner
2018 Maria Modanu

Capranica Neuroethology Prize


This award is named in honor of Robert and Patricia Capranica to provide an annual prize for recognition of outstanding achievement or future promise in the field of neuroethology.



Award Winner
2023 Ajinkya Dahake