Lunch Bunch

Research Design in the Study of Animal Social Behavior, hosted by Ben Sandkam. 

A weekly discussion group for the evaluation of ongoing research projects - not necessarily finished products - in areas related to animal behavior. Neurobiology and Behavior graduate students studying animal behavior are encouraged to sign up to present once every year, especially those students in their second year and beyond. Students, post-docs and faculty from any field are welcome to both present and attend. 

To schedule a date, contact Jaclene Weston

Lunch Bunch held in Whittaker Room A409 Corson/Mudd Hall on Tuesday's from 12:20 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. 

Spring 2025:

DateSpeakerPossible Topic
January 28, 2025Ben SandkamOrganization and Open Discussion
February 4, 2025Maximiliano Zuluaga ForeroGenetic/Transcriptomic differences in fish testes
February 11, 2025Robert RagusoDo flowers behave in geographic dialects? 
February 18, 2025February Break 
February 25, 2025Raunak SenIsolation by distance and hybridization shapes natural pulse rate variation in Hawaiian crickets
March 4, 2025Anthony RabinovichHelp me refine my work for the next 2-5 years: Drosophila Foraging
March 11, 2025Cancelled - Helen StecExploring Male Diversity and Its Maintenance in the Plymorphic P. parae
March 18, 2025Cole RolandCagemate gender influences responses to novel social stimuli
March 25, 2025Alicia BrunnerTBD
April 1, 2025Spring Break 
April 8, 2025Maddie OreTBD
April 15, 2025Bridget TweedieTBD
April 22, 2025Rikki LaserTBD
April 29, 2025Colleen PojeTBD
May 6, 2025Ron BrownTBD