Department Seminars

Summer 2024:

Department Seminars held in A106 Morison Room, unless otherwise noted.

Date Speaker

June 25, 2024
Tuesday at 1:30pm

Yating Yang, PhD Defense: Host: Ian Ellwood - "Dopamine in the prefrontal cortex: Beyond net valance"

July 9, 2024
Tuesday at 1:00pm

Heidi Huang, PhD Defense: Host: Jesse Goldberg - "Cerebellar and cortical acute manipulations and lesions yield distinct effects in online corrections of mouse licking"

July 18, 2024
Thursday at 1:20pm

A409 Whittaker room

Caleb Vogt, PhD Defense: Host: MIke Sheehan - "Beyond the Cage: Social structure and territoriality in rewilded lab and wild mice"


