Congrats to NBB grad student Jon Lambert

NBB Graduate student Jon Lambert will take part in the 2018 Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows program through the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). This summer, Jon will be working as a science journalist with the Dallas Morning News.

The highly competitive AAAS Mass Media Fellowship connects science, engineering, and mathematics graduate students or post-docs with media organizations nationwide. From outlets like NPR and the Washington Post to magazines like Scientific American and Discover, fellows apply their academic training to research, write, and report the latest scientific advances to the broader public.

Jon is a student in the Shaw Lab studying the interplay between sexual selection and speciation in Hawaiian Laupala crickets. His interest in science communication was piqued through his work with Brains On, a science podcast for kids from American Public Media. “Brains On is a show fueled by the inexhaustible curiosity of kids, and working with them has shown me that the best way to engage both kids and adults with science is to appeal to our natural curiosity about the world” Jon said. “I want to bring that same curiosity-driven reporting to the Dallas Morning News this summer. Science matters both globally and locally. I’m excited to tell stories that reveal how science enriches the lives of DMN readers.”

Each year, 15-20 students are selected for the fellowship by the AAAS and sponsored by a group of scientific societies and foundations. Jon is grateful to be sponsored by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, a private foundation that supports biomedical research, career development for scientists, and STEM education.

Find out more about the AAAS Mass Media Fellowship.


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Jonathan Lambert